Antenna House

Antenna House Formatter supports page layouts specified using both CSS or XSL-FO for formatting documents for PDF and print. Users can select the stylesheet language and content strategy that best suits their business needs.

XSL-FO has long been recognized as the standard for formatting XML for print and PDF and CSS as the standard for displaying HTML on the web. The missing piece for web developers has always been how to go from web/HTML to print and PDF with properly formatted pages and documents. Antenna House Formatter is the solution!

XSL-FO Development

Both large and small businesses face the same problem: how to manage content publishing across an enterprise while retaining quality and consistency of the output. Writing XSL-FOs to help publish documents across almost any format has been our goal. Dakota has published documents in a wide array of cosmetic layouts – almost always customized to fit an enterprise standard, retaining both brand value and consistency.

Dakota Systems has been a leader in integrating and customizing content management systems, so it made sense to approach the publishing process with a step-wise method by helping companies find solutions at every stage of publishing. Centralized document formatting and publishing is a challenging endeavour to implement enterprise-wide due to the countless formats being used across different business divisions.

PDF Publishing

Companies have struggled with the challenges of PDF production from layout with desktop publishing tools to embedding fonts. As an implementation specialist, Dakota can provide solutions across the PDF publishing spectrum – everything from customized XSL-FO layouts to embedding and subsetting special fonts.

Based on end-user and business owner requirements, Dakota can find the optimal PDF publishing methods to streamline output of any content format or digital media.

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35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1970, Chicago, 60601 USA

+1 312 263 4400