DCP User Training


This class is delivered as a custom workshop to apply the customized Dakota Content Platform to your publishing environment. This class provides you with the concepts and skills to use DCP effectively. You get hands-on practice working with basic through advanced techniques to get the most out of your experience.

The objective is to quickly get productive in using the tool as either an author or as a developer. The class is customized to address the specific industry standards (DITA, S1000D, etc.) or proprietary DTDs or schemas that you will use in your environment. The material includes how to create and customize complete authoring environments to fit these requirements.

Dakota can customize this course to be specific to your current projects, your developers’ experience, and the programming languages with which you regularly work. Although this is not a class teaching XSLT, XPath, XQuery or XSL-FO, how these technologies are used within oXygen XML is addressed.


The primary audience for this course is application developers, information architects, or technical writers seeking to use a customized content platform in their publishing environments. Although not intended to be an in-depth technical course, prior knowledge of the basic concepts of XML is required.

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35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1970, Chicago, 60601 USA

+1 312 263 4400